Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reality-Distortion Field

This is another crosspost (it's not my fault that there are so many awesome blogs out there!!!) from The Four Hour Work Week.

Take a few minutes to read the post on The Four Hour Work Week about Bill Clinton. Done? Did you watch the video? Watch the video. Ok? Ok.

Did you notice the extreeme difference in George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton? Did you notice that even though you're watching something that is over a decade old, that when he started talking to that woman that it felt as if he were talking to you?

I loved the line about Clinton not seducing women but seducing everyone. We could all learn something from watching Bill Clinton.

Think about it. If you have a performer who gets up there and does the show, and is wonderful, then good; fine. But what if you get up there and make an emotional and personal connection with the audience? Who do you think will be remembered as the better performer? That's the real trick.

So take a look at this very well thought out article and see if you can't apply some of the techniques therein to your own life and your own performances and watch the results.

~Cameron Rivers, Kings To You Magic

Monday, November 22, 2010


Today's entry is a crosspost from Why Am I Stuck in Magician Hell. 

The sad thing is that I did this during the TAOM 2010 Close-up competition but my room moderator said it was too late to enter. The conversation went something like this:

Me: John. John! Can I enter? I can win with what's in my pockets right now!

John: No, unfortunately.

Me: But I have pocket lint!!!!

*Names may or may not have been changed.
**Me is meant to represent me, and not you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Half Price Books

I recently took a trip to Half Price Books, a used book store chain, where I found a copy of Harry Lorayne's Close Up Card Magic, a first edition none the less, for seven dollars. This comes after finding a complete set of Card College for under thirty dollars two years ago, as well as various other books (The Complete Course in Magic by Mark Wilson is always a popular find).