Friday, September 16, 2011

Stephen Colbert and David Copperfield

That's right folks! David Copperfield and Stephen Colbert. Apperently Copperfield was on the Colbert Report, but instead of going into it myself, watch the clip here.

~Cameron Rivers

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Reel Magic Magazine by Kozmo Maigc

At the International Brotherhood of Magicians Convention this year in Dallas, TX, I was fortunate enough to meet world--famous busker Kozmo. I sat and chatted with him a bit and bought his Straight From The Street DVD's as well as subscribed to Reel Magic Magazine, a video magazine that he produces.

I was pretty excited about the Reel Magic subscription. I get six issues a year and, for subscribing at the convention, I got an extra two DVD's for free! When you look at the website, you can see that their past issues focused on people like Eric DeCamps, Shawn Farquar, Michael Ammar, and Paul Harris; some of the greatest names in magic today! But what's not immediately apparent is all of the small clips that are also included.