Thursday, October 21, 2010


One thing that is true in almost all aspects of life is the need to diversify. Your investment portfolios, your education, your life experiences, and yes, even your magic.

How many magicians do you know who only do cards or only do coins? BORING! To be a great magician, you need to diversify your skills. How do you go about doing that? Well, let me show you.


The first step to diversifying is to identify what it is that you do already and what you'd like to move on to. For a large majority of us, cards is what we rely on. They are safe, easy, and have about ten million different things you can do with them, but hand us a coin and we're doing a David Blaine style shuttle pass. 

So what type of magic do you do now? For me, it's mainly cards.

So what type of magic do you move on to? That's a more difficult question. I'm moving in the direction of coins, because there is a feel that there is a coin/card dichotomy in magic, but the real reason I'm moving that way is to learn a new skill set that is completely different. 

So if you only do coins, move to cards; cards to coins. Mainly do mentalism? Try moving on to some card stuff. Impromptu magic your specialty? try coins. And everyone should try the cups.


The next step is the hardest. You will be starting over almost as a complete beginner. Yes, you may know how something is done, but your fingers are going to be stupid and fumbly (yes I did just make that word up). Instead of getting frustrated and giving up, try to remember the hard work and wonder that you had when you first started learning magic. 

Try finding that one really impressive routine you've always wished you could perform and go at it!


Now that you have a basis in your new area of magic, try finding ways to incorporate it into your old magic. Cards and coins make a wonderful matrix; mentalism and cards makes for some strange and eerie effects.

Now get out there and show off your new skills.

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