Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Last day in Ft. Worth

Cross-posted from BuskingProject:

So here I am, getting prepped for my flight tomorrow and there is a show about cheating in Vegas on TV. It's actually really funny because the people who are talking seem to know what they're talking about, but it still doesn't seem to have any sort of deterrent on people who use sophisticated sleight of hand or other sophisticated scams. It appears that the "eye in the sky" only takes action if something looks suspicious, which for sophisticated methods are never.

For most of us, myself included, cheating at Vegas is never something that you want to try. Vegas is highly sophisticated and quick reacting, so unless you're Richard Turner, don't try cheating!

EDIT: Spelling

2 Response to Last day in Ft. Worth

May 5, 2010 at 7:36 PM

Of course, there would probably be some suspicion of the blind guy playing poker in the corner.

May 5, 2010 at 8:34 PM

We'll just sleight of hand him some eyes then!