Friday, April 2, 2010

City of Bryan- First Friday

So I just got back from First Friday, and art/music/community get together on the first Friday of every month. I haven't been to one in a bit because of the Festival I'm performing at, but finally made it for this one.

It was a blast! The weather was great, the music was good, and the company was amazing. I make my home around the Village Cafe and Art 979 Gallery, and the crowd there was amazing. I did my first set moments after I arrived (sooner than I wanted to) because a young girl saw my sign and drug her family over to where I was, and who am I to say no to my adoring fans? So the first show was a huge success, about 35-40 people at any one time.

An hour or so later I hit up my second set (I'm there to relax and have fun as well as work...don't judge me!) and it went very well. Had a bunch of adults, fewer kids, and the crowd was great.

The rest of the night was catching up with friends and hanging out. I almost did a third set, but decided to just relax instead.

Total take for the night: 1 glass of wine, one chicken salad sandwich w/side salad, one iced tea, two bottles of coke, and $15 dollars left after all of that, so a great night tip-wise as well.

Anyway, off to prep for tomorrow's shows at Sherwood. It's the last weekend. Good night.

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