Monday, April 5, 2010

Exposure II again

A while back Cameron was talking about exposure in the magic community, and I would say that I am of the same, or very similar, mindset as he is. Exposure is going to happen, so everyone needs to calm down about it. The day when the laymen don't want to try and find out the secrets is the day they don't want to watch magic at all. I would rather them pick up a thing or two here and there. Or learn some crappy stage effect from fox. People like the masked magician reveal things, but not very well, and most good stage performers are not using that stuff anyways. And of course close up and parlor magician are not using it, so not much harm is really done.

Also, like Cameron says, most everything is available for a price anyways and everyone needs to start somewhere. While I would prefer that only people truly wanting to LEARN magic be able to get access to them, that is a bit unrealistic. I personally don't even care if they want to perform. There are plenty of magic historians and builders of effects that never perform themselves and it would be stupid to say that just because they don't perform that they must know less. There is something to being a performer that is more than just knowing how things are done. But there is also something to the know-how of building and the history behind the magic. I think many magicians today do not know or care enough about the history behind it all. They just want to be able to impress people as quickly and easily, for them, as possible.

Now, while I don't mind exposure all that much, I do feel bad when a magician puts out a good piece of magic and it ends up on YouTube for the laymen to track down once you show them. I think they should at least be secret for a little bit, and hopefully make the inventor a little money so that they can live and all that. That is of course assuming it is a good trick for a reasonable price, and not overpriced crap like you find everywhere. Anyways, I could go on and on, I had to work hard to keep this as short as it is because Cameron and I, and probably most magicians who care, could go one for ever with discussions like this. This is just my two cents, or maybe just one cent as I could go on a bit more. Feel free to discuss, and feel free to check out our business website at here.

Post Script: This is the second time I posted this, because my first one did some weird formatting things for some reason, so lets try it again.


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